Active Whois Browser 5.2

Active Whois returns important information on websites. Locate individuals or organizations with postal address including country for the domain or IP address holder, all with a single click! The netstat, trace route and nslookup included too.

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License Shareware
Price $19.95
Downloads 1,068
OS Support Windows Install and Uninstall
File Name ActiveWhois.exe
File Size 2.03 MB ( 2,083 KB )
Published May 26, 2003 (22 years ago)
Updated Feb 24, 2017 (8 years ago)

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Product Details

Active Whois is an easy-to-use network tool for the retrieving of all information such as country, email and postal addresses for the owners of IP addresses and Internet domains. Unlike other WHOIS clients, Active Whois does not require special skills to collect the desired information. The latest technology featured in Active Whois, allows you to explore DNS aliases, and will display the domain and IP address information together. You can investigate any web site including international top level domains, and retrieve its ownership details and the location of the servers hosting the site with just a single click!
Active Whois intelligently accesses information located in approximately 190+ WHOIS servers worldwide. It is able to dynamically determine the correct server based on replies from other WHOIS servers so Active Whois supports a new global domains(new gTLD). Its unique WHOIS-hyperlink feature greatly improves the WHOIS search. Now you can browse a domain's databases as easily as the Web. Active Whois will also work in offline mode! This means all of your completed WHOIS requests will be saved to disk to be accessible even without an Internet connection within a half-second! You can easily use Active Whois to check and register domains because Active Whois provides links to domain registrars in each country so you won't spend a long time searching for the means to purchase domains in .MD .TV .CC or other ccTLDs. Active Whois support a themes. You can customize his look by creating your own theme.
The NetStat feature allows you to check out who is connected to your computer instantly.
The NSLookup allows creating the any form of DNS request in Windows graphical interface.
The TraceRoute feature will show all servers between your computer and destination server.
Active Whois is also useful for investigating hacker scans, spam (UCE), suspicious websites, or IRC/Instant Message/chat nicknames.

Release Info: New Release on Feb 23, 2017
Release Notes: New version have new browsers addon's and minor changes
Related Tags: active whois activewhois domain search


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