Access 2007 Password 2016.01.22

Access 2007 Password allows you to reset password of encrypted Access 2007 database (accdb) regardless of its length. Processing time depends on the computing power available, however result is guaranteed in contrast to brute-force password recovery.

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License Shareware
Price $44.95
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OS Support Windows Install and Uninstall
File Name a7psetup.exe
File Size 2.31 MB ( 2,368 KB )
Published Feb 17, 2015 (10 years ago)
Updated (No date provided)

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Product Details

Access 2007 Password by Thegrideon Software is a unique tool to reset MS Access 2007 database (.accdb) passwords regardless of length and complexity.
We developed a way to access .accdb database without original password by replacing it with a new one. Special processing is required but result is guaranteed in contrast to brute-force passwords recovery.
+ Access 2007 Password also allows you to re-protect modified database (encrypt back with unknown password), so protected database can be edited without password recovery. Re-protection can be applied to Access 2007 database smaller or equal in size to the protected original only!
For example: If database password is hardcoded into some software or hardware, you can process database with Access 2007 Password -> save with a new known password -> modify -> use Access 2007 Password to re-protect modified version to be used with this software or hardware again.
+ The processing time is approximately equal to just 5-6 characters password search with the fastest possible password recovery tool (real tools are way slower), so if your database password is not 3-4 characters long - our tool is the fastest way to access your data with guarantee!
+ Access 2007 Password works with databases in MS Access 2007 format only.
+ Highly optimized multi-threaded code and GPU (AMD, NVIDIA and Intel) utilization guarantees fastest processing time.
+ Latest integrated Intel HD Graphics GPUs can be used for processing acceleration.
+ Up to 8 computers can be used in parallel.
For example: single computer (Intel Core i3 4130 + integrated Intel HD Graphics 4400 + AMD Radeon R9 270) processing time is just 8.5 hours!

Release Info: Major Update on Jan 22, 2016
Release Notes: Updated Intel GPU code. New feature: Re-protection of the modified database to its original encryption (allows editing without password recovery).
Related Tags: access 2007 password accdb password msaccess database password reset accdb password thegrideon


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