Weather Monitors for Windows

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Windows Home & Leisure

Name Downloads     
MB Birthday Number 1.45
MB Free BirthDay Number Software is a wonderful and user-friendly software, which highlights the day of the month that you were born. Based on this number, you can have an in-depth look at your own personality.
MB Essence Cycle Number 1.70
MB Free Essence Cycle Number Software is a wonderful and user-friendly software which points out an alternative predictive interface based on using a person?s name rather than the birth date.
MB Flying Star Feng Shui 1.80
MB Free Flying Star Feng Shui generates the flying star chart for you home based on Feng Shui principles. MB Free Flying Star Feng Shui determines the plot chart of your house from the date when your house was built.
MB Gemini Astrology 1.70
MB Free Gemini Astrology gives a detailed and comprehensive report that includes the positive and negative characteristics of people born with the sun in a particular zodiac sign (Gemini) according to Western Astrology.
MB Hidden Passion Number 1.45
MB Free Hidden Passion Number Software is a friendly and interactive software which helps you realize a particular field of expertise. This software will pinpoint that exact talent, which in turn urges you to develop it.
MB Life Path Number 1.40
MB Free Life Path Number Software is an interactive and easy to use software, which talks about the life path number, or simply the sum of your birth date. It reveals your personality at birth, and also points out your lifetime characteristics.
MB Personality Number 1.45
MB Free Personality Number Software calculates your Personality Number.
SeaTTY 2.30
A program to receive weather reports, weather charts and navigational warnings
Verity Parental Control Software 1.15
Verity Parental Control Software allows you to track and monitor what your kids are doing on the computer and online in an easy non-invasive way. With Verity, you can monitor both online and offline. You can also block websites and applications.
Webmizzle 2.3c
Webmizzle is a simple tool for monitoring current weather conditions worldwide. It uses data that are available to the public (you can see the same images on countless www pages with any web browser).