Vocabulary Tools for Windows

Thousands of free Education downloads for Windows, have fun!

Windows Education

Name Downloads     
ABC Scrabble 1.0_us
An absolutely free scrabble and words tool. Find anagrams and joker words.
Barcode Label Maker Program
www.barcodelabelmakersoftware.com website recommends Barcode Label Maker Software to design high resolution and easily printable versatile tags using color font settings.
Interlex helps you learn vocabulary quickly and easily in over 30 languages.
MM3-TeachingMachine - Vocabulary Builder - Learning with my mobile 2016-434
Study when and where you always would like with your android phone and lessons of your own. The teaching machine is your personal vocabulary trainer. Choose between studying short-time for an examination or store the facts into your long-term memory.
Vocaboly 3.0
Vocaboly is a learning software for English vocabulary, especially for TOEFL, GMAT, GRE, SAT test takers, through many learning methods, including tests and games, memorizing will be much easier and more efficient, above all it's fun.
Vocabulary Worksheet Factory 4.1.4
Easily create challenging vocabulary activities to advance and strengthen basic language skills. Includes crosswords, word searches, word jumbles, and lots more.