ChemMaths 17.1
ChemMaths is an engineering,mathematical and chemistry program. Solve equations, find information on 3000+ chemical compounds,allows predition of chemical compound properties,periodic table, solves 400+ chemical/electrical/mech. equations & more.
DataPro 10.0
DataPro is a program. Contains information on 3000+ chemical compounds,allows predition of chemical compound properties,periodic table etc and lots more. Play media software and web browser.
EquationsPro 10.0
EquationsPro s a chemical engineering,mathematical program. solves 400+ chemical/electrical/mechcanical engineering, physics, and mathematical equations. Contains 200+ unit conversions, Solve and plot graphs using the Zgraphs program. & more.
ProsimGraphsPro 10.0
Prosimgraphspro contains a series of applications useful to simulate processes, draw chemical diagrams. Easy to use applications for the designer.Ideal for engineering, scientific professionals, students and education.