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Products submitted by smtacct
Wonderful Inventory Management Software helps user to manage daily business tasks within few mouse clicks. Advanced invoice management software has capability to records sales reports, financial transaction, billings, income, company expenses etc.
MS Access DB migration application provides you advance facility to convert entire or selected table record of MS access to MySQL server database. Data synchronization tool is easily compatible to work with all versions of access and MySQL databases.
MySQL database converter utility securely converts all tables and related data without affecting syntax followed while writing the DB table. Database conversion from MySQL to MSSQL is secure process and it maintains the integrity of the record values
Employee planner software simply tracks and lets you efficiently schedule activities of your employees that includes tracking attendance and time, managing salary details, increment, tours, meetings, daily work and other activities in organized way.
Company website offers Make Printable Birthday Card application to generate multiple copies of greetings and save it for further usages in Windows desktop.
Get Billing and Inventory Management Software from company website that helps you to maintain company products information without any technical support.
External USB drive deleted data retrieval program regains all missing files and folders within few minutes without any error. USB flash drive regaining application retrieves lost data even some logical error is occurred while using removable drive.
Inventory tracking tool provides multiuser solution to maintain products, material and other purchases. Purchase order database manager program maintains company, vendor and supplier records and creates invoices of sold, purchased items details.
Website stands for downloading tour handling program to protect company database. Employee Tour Planner Software is simple to use for scheduling organization training time table.
Visit website and download Magazines Barcode Generator software to generate eye catching bar code images for books labeling in bulk amount.
Multi Company Purchase Order program is useful for maintaining sale/purchase records of multiple companies at one place on your PC without any changes in data integrity.
Reliable and cost effective Manufacturing Barcode Maker software is available at which is highly useful to design different barcode fonts in few click of mouse button.
Digital video camera photo unerase application restores image files accidentally deleted or lost due to virus infection. Damaged picture repair utility recovers missing files from all brands of digital camera like Sony, Samsung, Panasonic etc.
Internet Explorer Password Recovery Key is a program to reset Internet Explorer Content Advisor password and recover saved Web sites and forms passwords. Password unmask tool full install/uninstall support, has support for multilingual passwords.