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Products submitted by smelis

SmElis Web Previewer 1.3

The program allows you to extract the contents of web pages and turn it into web reviews. You will be able to store web pages in the convenient form that allow you to easily find the necessary information using the built-in sorting and search system.

SV Bookmark 2.9

SV Bookmark is a visual bookmark manager that allows you to associate screenshots of a web site with each entry. It provides advanced features such as thumbnails and full-size screenshots, searching, duplicate checking, URL validation and more.

WebSurfing History 2.1

WebSurfing History allows you to store a visual web surfing history, independently from the Internet Explorer history data. It stores detailed information about each web site you have visited and automatically captures a screenshot of every web page.

SmElis WebData Extractor 1.8

SmElis WebData Extractor enables you to extract and save multimedia items, images, Flash, scripts and other web objects from the page you are currently viewing in your browser. It can either extract and save all or only selected items from a page.

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