wList 2.1.0
Create list of files and subfolders of a given folder (directory). In one click, create a list of contents of any CD/DVD/USB flash drive, or any hard disc. List all your music files (MP3, WAV), pictures (GIF,JPG,PNG) or video (AVI,MP4,MPEG).
Sharky Neural Network 0.9.Beta
Neural network classification results live view (like a movie). Free software for playing with neural networks classification. Many network architectures, different shapes of training data sets. Learning with backpropagation algorithm.
wReplace 1.2.Free
Free program, which allows you to change/replace multiple letters and phrases at a time. It is easy to create and save lists of changes/replacements, so that you can reuse them. Applications: character conversion, ROT13, ROT47, Morse code conversion.