raylec's Profile

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Products submitted by raylec

Covalent Bonding 1.0

Chemistry teaching software which simulates the bonding of covalent compounds on screen. Learn how covalent compounds are formed by atoms sharing electrons. Includes a reference section to support students learning with basic facts and information.

Atoms, Symbols and Equations 4.0

Unique interactive multimedia Chemistry teaching software that tests students as they learn. Topics include: elements, atoms and molecules, word equations, chemical symbols, Periodic Table, chemical formulas, balancing chemical equations.

The Atom Builder 1.0

Chemistry teaching software which simulates the building of any of the first 20 atoms (up to calcium) on screen. Learn how atoms are formed from electrons, protons and neutrons and how the electrons are arranged in shells or energy levels.

Ionic Bonding 1.0

Chemistry teaching software which simulates the bonding of Ionic compounds on screen. Learn how Ionic compounds are formed by atoms gaining and losing electrons. Includes a reference section to support students learning.

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