oscmanager's Profile
Check out what oscmanager has contributed to FileCart
Products submitted by oscmanager
Advanced SEO for osCommerce - osCommerce module is powerful replacement for standard osCommerce SEO links feature with unique features for best Search Engine Optimization of your site. You can review live demo at: http://www.magneticone.com/store
CRE Loaded RSS Export is a Contribution, which allows syndicate products from your CRE Loaded store to use popular syndication formats.
This X Cart Mod Generates Google Sitemap, a MUST HAVE for search engine optimization for Google.
X-Cart Pay Quake Payment module. Integration with Pay Quake online payment system/gateway to X-Cart shopping cart.
x-Cart module, which would help you export easy your products into Froogle.com engine - one of the most popular free product catalog. We strongly recommend that you use Google Base data feed because of recent changes to Froogle.
X-Cart 5-in-One package includes 5 available product feed packages developed by MagneticOne for X-Cart shopping cart.
Zen Cart 5-in-One package includes 5 available product feed packages developed by MagneticOne for Zen Cart shopping cart. You will get maximum exposure, listing your products in 5 major Shopping Comparison engines.
Zen Cart contribution which would help you export easy your products into Yahoo Stores pay-per-click engine.
Social Bookmarks Supercharged (120+ services) - CRE Loaded Module is unique solution which will let your customers to bookmark your site: any your product, category or page into social favorites / bookmarking services.
CRE Loaded All-in-One package includes all available product feed packages developed by MagneticOne company for CRE Loaded shopping cart. You will get maximum exposure, listing your products in all major Shopping Comparison engines.
Site Map for CRE Loaded - CRE Loaded Module - is very powerful and flexible module for dynamic site map generation.
Zen Cart All-in-One Product Feeds by MagneticOne
Allows close store easily from admin interface for some regions, based on GeoIP database. This is great security measure to prevent access to your store of potentially unreliable visitors.
Social Bookmarks Supercharged (120+ services) - osCommerce Module is unique solution which will let your customers to bookmark your site: any your product, category or page into social favorites / bookmarking services.
CRE Loaded 5-in-One package includes 5 available product feed packages developed by MagneticOne for CRE Loaded shopping cart. You will get maximum exposure, listing your products in 5 major Shopping Comparison engines.
X-Cart Google Checkout Level 2 payment module
Advanced SEO for X-Cart is powerful replacement for standard X-Cart static catalog with unique features for best Search Engine Optimization of your site.
Zen Cart Froogle Data Feed
Banner System for X-Cart - X-Cart Mod is very easy in use, flexible banner rotating module. With help of this module you'll be able to put any banner on your site with minimal efforts (image banner or external).
X-Cart Mod, which would help you export easy your products into PriceRunner.com - one of the best Pay-Per-Click service.
X-Cart Yahoo Stores Data Feed
X-Cart Mod, which would help you export easy your products into Google Base engine
CRE Loaded Google Checkout Level 2 Payment Module
X-Cart RSS Export is a Contribution, which allows syndicate products from your X-Cart store to use popular syndication formats.
X-Cart All-in-One package includes all available product feed packages developed by MagneticOne company for X-Cart store. You will get maximum exposure, listing your products in all major Pay Per Click engines.
osCommerce Google Base Data Feed is osCommerce contribution which would help you export easy your products into Google Base engine.
Zen Cart Google Checkout Level 2 payment module
CRE Loaded Froogle Data Feed
CRE Loaded Google Base Data Feed is CRE Loaded contribution which would help you export easy your products into Google Base engine.
Generates XML Sitemap, REQUIRED for search engine optimization for Google, MSN, Yahoo - all at once! 4 Step very easy installation, start using in 5 minutes! Completely dynamic - no additional support required.
CRE Loaded Yahoo Stores Data Feed
osCommerce Yahoo Stores Data Feed is osCommerce contribution which significantly eases your products' export into Yahoo Search Marketing (Yahoo Product Submit) pay-per-click engine.
osCommerce RSS Export is a Contribution, which allows syndicate products from your osCommerce store to use popular syndication formats.
Music Player for X-Cart - X-Cart Mod - is very easy in use music player, which could be placed on every page of your store to create strong impresseion about your products.
osCommerce contribution which would help you export easy your products into PriceRunner.com - one of the best Pay-Per-Click service. The website PriceRunner is a price comparison service launched in Sweden in 1999, and since bought by ValueClick.
Social Bookmarks Supercharged (120+) X-Cart Mod is unique solution which will let your customers to bookmark your site: any your product, category or page into social favorites / bookmarking services.
XML Sitemap for osCommerce - osCommerce module. Generates XML Sitemap, REQUIRED for search engine optimization for Google, MSN, Yahoo - all at once! 4 Step very easy installation, start using in 5 minutes!
XML Sitemap for CRE Loaded - CRE Loaded module Generates XML Sitemap, REQUIRED for search engine optimization for Google, MSN, Yahoo - all at once! 4 Step very easy installation, start using in 5 minutes!
Zen Cart Google Base Data Feed is Zen Cart contribution which would help you export easy your products into Google Base engine.
Site Map for osCommerce - osCommerce Module - is very powerful and flexible module for dynamic site map generation.
Zen Cart RSS Export
osCommerce Froogle Data Feed
Site Map for Zen Cart is very powerful and flexible module for dynamic site map generation.
Social Bookmarks Supercharged Module for Zen Cart by MagneticOne