miraplacid's Profile

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Products submitted by miraplacid

Miraplacid Publisher 7.1

Miraplacid Publisher converts any printable documents to images (TIFF, JPEG, TGA, BMP, PNG, GIF). All the documents printed to this "printer" will be converted to images, saved, emailed, uploaded to server, or redirected to a printer. Free SDK.

Miraplacid Data Viewer 3.0

View binary file internals as a tree. Select a tree node to see it highlighted in a hex viewer. Search and filter binary file. Save selection to a file. Free for individual use and qualified educational institutions.

Miraplacid Publisher Terminal Edition 7.1

Miraplacid Publisher converts any printable documents to images (TIFF, JPEG, TGA, BMP, PNG, GIF). All the documents printed to this "printer" will be converted to images, saved, emailed, uploaded to server, or redirected to a printer. Free SDK.

Miraplacid Binary and Text DOM SDK 3.0

Access to internal structure of text / binary files. Navigate through binary file internal structure hierarchy. Create, read, modify, and save a file. Binary DOM is similar to XML DOM and just as easy. Examples. Documentation. DotNet 2.0/4.0.

Miraplacid Text Driver 6.1

Miraplacid Text Driver extracts text from documents. Format text output as plain or formatted text, preview and save to a file, copy to Clipboard, upload to a server or email. Use it for importing text from unsupported document formats

Miraplacid Text Driver Terminal Edition 6.1

Miraplacid Text Driver extracts text from documents. Format text output as plain or formatted text, preview and save to a file, copy to Clipboard, upload to a server or email. Use it for importing text from unsupported document formats.

Miraplacid Text Driver SDK TE 6.0

Generates virtual printer driver to extract text from printable documents, then save it to file or upload to a server. You can customize it with interactive wizard and embed into your application

Miraplacid Text Driver SDK 6.1

Generates virtual printer driver to extract text from printable documents, then save it to file or upload to a server. You can customize it with interactive wizard and embed into your application

Miraplacid Publisher SDK 7.1

Generates virtual printer driver to converts any printable documents to images (TIFF, JPEG, TGA, BMP, PNG, PDF) or web presentation, then save to file or upload to a server. You can customize it with interactive wizard and embed into your application

Miraplacid Text Viewer 3.0

View text file internals as a tree. Select a tree node to see it highlighted in a viewer. Search text file. Save selection to a file. Free for individual use and qualified educational institutions.

Miraplacid Publisher SDK TE 7.0

Generates virtual printer driver to converts any printable documents to images (TIFF, JPEG, TGA, BMP, PNG, PDF) or web presentation, then save to file or upload to a server. You can customize it with interactive wizard and embed into your application

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