Nsauditor's Profile

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Products submitted by Nsauditor

SpotAuditor 5.1.3

SpotAuditor is an advanced password recovery software for recovering over 40 programs passwords, including: Google Chrome, Internet Explorer, Firefox, Opera, FTP, hotmail, Microsoft Office Outlook passwords, recovers passwords behind the asterisks.

NADetector 1.5.8

NADetector monitors and analyzes the network traffic and displays statistical information pertaining to each IP address pair and protocol, displays incoming, outgoing and summary traffic statistics, allows you to set traffic limits.

Finger 2.4.5

Finger is the tool for discovering user information by using well known finger service. To use the finger tool enter the User@)Host in the Finger Input box, and click on the Query button.

ArpCacheWatch 1.6.6

ArpCacheWatch monitors Windows ARP cache and allows to send an ARP request to obtain the physical address that corresponds to the specified destination IP address. The ARP cache contains IP/MAC translations.

ShareAlarm 2.2

Share alarm is a tool that allows you to see parameters of the workstation which tries to establish a connection with your computer.The remote workstation, user, path, OS, permissions of the accessed folder.

NetHotfixScanner 1.5

Network Hotfix Scanner is a free advanced hotfix check utility that scans network computers for missing hotfixes and patches, and helps you download and install them, gives you a quick look at the hotfixes and patches installed or missed.

HttpTrafficGen 1.8.8

HTTP traffic generator allows to generate a good amount of http traffic for testing web applications, web servers, intrusion detection system and their resistance to HTTP attacks. You can specify the requests count and interval between two requests.

PortableStorageExplorer 1.3.3

Portable Storage Explorer displays remote network computer USB devices, removable storage, CD-Rom and DVD drive information and state, drive type, serial number, revision, device name, last cleaned time, device vendor and more...

NetShareWatcher 1.5.8

NetShareWatcher is network security improvement software. It allows network administrators to monitor network shares and identify shares which are violating data access policy of their organization.

NetworkProcMonitor 1.3.5

The Network Process Monitor displays information associated with each process running on local or remote computer. You must have administrative privileges on the remote network computer.

TrafficEmulator 1.8.3

Nsasoft Network Traffic Emulator generates IP/ICMP/TCP/UDP traffic from clients to server to stress test servers, routers and firewalls under heavy network load. It is a very simple and fast program which can simulate client activity.

SpotMSN Password Recover 2.4.6

SpotMSN is messenger password recovery software for recovering lost or forgotten passwords for MSN messenger, Windows Live Messenger 8 and Windows Messenger accounts. SpotMSN is MSN password finder that instantly decrypts MSN Messenger passwords.

IE Asterisk Password Uncover 1.8.5

IE Asterisk Password Uncover allows you to view passwords hidden with asterisks in password fields in web pages and ActiveX controls. Comes in handy when you have forgotten your passwords.

Nsauditor Network Security Auditor 3.0.17

Nsauditor is an advanced network security scanner for auditing and monitoring network computers for possible vulnerabilities. The software checks network computers using all potential methods that a hacker might use to attack it.

IeCacheExplorer 1.6.6

IeCacheExplorer displays the details of all cookies that Internet Explorer stores on your computer and reads all information from the history file on your computer, displays the list of all URLs that you have visited.

RemShutdown 2.9

RemShutdown allows remotely shutdown or restart network computers. You can specify a delay during which a message you specify can be displayed and applications running on the remote computer at the time of shutdown can be allowed to close.

SpotDialup Password Recover 1.6.7

SpotDialup enumerates, displays logins and recovers passwords for Dial-Up, Internet and VPN virtual private network access, provides users with information about network connection properties, such as connection names, domains, phone numbers.

RemoteMemoryInfo 1.3.2

RemoteMemoryInfo displays remote network computer memory usage and statistics. You must have administrative privileges on the remote network computer. All the mentioned features are provided with a user friendly graphical interface.

Whois 3.1.2

Whois Tool is a client utility that communicates with WHOIS servers located around the world to obtain domain registration information. Whois supports IP address queries and automatically selects the appropriate whois server for IP addresses.

TerminalServiceAgent 1.3.2

TerminalServiceAgent allows to enumerate and control network terminal services and processes and allows to terminate or log off remotely. The tool is designed with a user-friendly interface and is easy to use.

SpotIM Messenger Password Recovery 2.2

SpotIM Password Recover is able to automatically find and decrypt the passwords of most popular Instant Messenger programs. The program recovers lost or forgotten passwords for ICQ, Trillian, Miranda,RnQ, Camfrog and Easy Web Cam accounts.

RemoteServiceMonitoring 1.4.3

RemoteServiceMonitor controls the status of your network services and allows to start or stop remotely. You must have administrative privileges on the network computer.

NetworkSleuth 3.0

NetworkSleuth is a network file searching utility, that allows you to quickly locate files across a network. You can search for specific file names or for specific file types (e.g. all MP3 files).

RemoteNetstat 1.3.4

RemoteNetstat displays remote network computer IP, ICMP, TCP, UDP and Server statistics. You must have administrative privileges on the remote network computer. All the mentioned features are provided with a user friendly graphical interface.

SpotFTP Password Recover 2.4.8

SpotFTP is FTP password recovery software. The program recovers ftp user name and passwords for FileZilla, WS_FTP, Far, CuteFTP, FlashFXP, SecureFX, WebDrive, FTP Voyager, AutoFTP, 32bit FTP, FTP Navigator, CoffeeCup Direct FTP and FTP Control.

RemoteDeviceExplorer 1.3.3

Remote Device Explorer displays device information installed on remote network computers and enumerates the members of the specified device information set. You must have administrative privileges on the remote network computer.

WebPlacementVerifier 1.0

Web Placement Verifier is a freeware program that allows check your site search engine placement for multiple keywords, to see if your site is in the first top pages of a search engine result for a specific keyword search.

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