Mark0's Profile

Check out what Mark0 has contributed to FileCart

Products submitted by Mark0

MiniDumper 1.07

Simple tool to display an hex dump of the header (first 256 bytes) of a file.

PFCEx 1.10

Simple tool to extract info from AOL Personal Filing Cabinet (PFC) files. It generate a PFCEx.html file with all the URLs collected. Works also on corrupted PFC files, so it could be used as a rescue utility to recover favorites and other URLs!

BDLLScan 1.03

Simple tool that list all DLL referenced by an executable or a library file.

TrID 2.24

Have you ever been in a situation where you don't know what application can handle a file? Maybe because it's without any extensions? This tool can help! TrID is a utility designed to identify file types from their binary signatures.

TrIDNet 1.95

Have you ever been in a situation where you don't know what application can handle a file? Maybe because it's without any extensions? This tool can help! TrIDNet is a utility designed to identify file types from their binary signatures.

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