IngoDerErste's Profile

Check out what IngoDerErste has contributed to FileCart

Products submitted by IngoDerErste

PDFLock 1.4

PDFLock - A developer dll for setting all security options, main- and user-password, encryption type ... Royalty free! Easy to use! For all well known IDEs (.NET, too!).

PDF-Analyzer 5.0

The PDF-Analyzer is a tool extracting all properties from pdf documents. To use from the explorer contextmenu or 'stand alone' as a 'PDF Browser', too. No pdf-secrets anymore! Additionally there's a pro-version with password-reset and much more!

PDF2Image 1.4

PDF2Image - A developer dll (32/64 bit) for pdf-page-convertion to images ... Royalty free! Many imagetypes from your pdf-pages - Easy to use! Build your own pdf-reader! For all well known IDEs (.NET, too!).

PDFform 1.2

PDFform - A dll for your pdf-files... Royalty free! Extract/get/set all formfield-values out of your pdf-files. As an automated csv-export. As clipboard content. As a returning string. For all well known IDEs (.NET, too!).

PDFsearch 1.1

PDFsearch - A developer dll for fulltextsearch ... Royalty free! Different options how to search/find! For all well known IDEs (.NET, too!).

Image2PDF 1.4

Image2PDF - A developer dll for imageconvertion to pdf ... Royalty free! Append-mode! Comfortable tiff-mode! - Easy to use! 32-/64-bit-version! For all well known IDEs (.NET, too!).


PDFtext - Dlls for your pdf-files... Royalty free! All pdf-specs! Extract the complete text-content of pdf-files. As an automated text-export into a generated file. As clipboard-content. As a returning string. For all well known IDEs (.NET, too!).

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