GSA's Profile

Check out what GSA has contributed to FileCart

Products submitted by GSA

Advanced Pathway Painter 2.30

This program visualizes pathways. The user can display any kind of quantitative data from gene and protein experiments directly within the pathways (colours represent the value). Automatic pathway update from KEGG, BioCarta and GenMAPP.

GSA Image Analyser 4.1.2

The GSA Image Analyser is a program to analyse 2D Images of any kind. It can recognize and count objects in an image or also calculate the distance areas in it. The images can be imported from many sources (file, scanner, microscope, cam).

GSA JobFinder 2.42

The GSA Job Finder is a program designed to search and parse job tendering (so called job auctions) of new jobs for your business (freelancer). It will save you a lot of time and money. Unfortunatly it's only available for german job tendering sites.

GENOM 2005 3.42

Feature rich and user friendly application for analysing array-experiments (e.g. from provider Affymetrix). It includes additional gene information, multiple analysis methods, automatic pathway mapping with an editor, function prediction...

GSA Auto SoftSubmit 7.99

Submit your product to over 9000 software archives, directories and search engines. It will save you a lot of time and money as its all automated. Advertising your software was never easier. Load a PAD file and the program does the rest.

GSA AV Guard 3.3.3

The GSA A/V Guard is a program designed to monitor a place by video or audio. It can be used to monitor your small child over audio to have a universal long distance baby phone. Furthermore you can monitor your office room by video.

El. Toolbar Killer 1.02

This little tool was created to remove the very annoying spyware "Elite Toolbar". Because there was no program on the market that could fully remove this spyware we decide to develop one.

GSA Photo Manager 1.4.2

Selection of your favourite photos is a breeze, whether for organizing slide shows or simply for viewing and selecting photos. Make your choice quickly and targeted within an single scroll or switch to a multiple photo preview to make choose.

GSA Autostart Cleaner 2.42

Search all places in your OS where applications leave their autostart entries and context menus. Then you can choose if one is really required or if it can be removed. This speeds up the whole boot process and resulting in a more stable system.

GSA Cleandrive 3.47

Get rid of most of the privacy violations you get each day. It deletes all internet traces (like the web sites you have visited), recently opened files (like your last played video files) or even the logs that show what programs you have run lately.

GSA Buchhalter 1.9.9

A software for all self-employed persons and small companies who do not need a double entry bookkeeping. The program is easy to use and is not overloaded with unnecessary functions.

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